Monday, January 23, 2012

Third Time Is A Charm

“Third time is a charm”

Actually, I had had my own blog twice in my life, but I quit them. 
Thus, this blog is my third time.  

In Japan, there is the proverb that is “Third time is a charm”.
That means, even though you failed twice, third time is going to be a good chance.

The reason why I quit my blog twice is not “I didn’t have spare time” or “I was lazy” (Maybe true…).   
I think I couldn’t found out what is my objectives and what advantages I could be given through my blog.   

On second thought for now, I can find a lot of benefits, and I reflect why I couldn’t figure it out.   
The trigger to find some benefits is the class that I am taking in UCSD.   
The question, which I ask my teacher, was non-sense for Americans.  
This is created by “Cultural difference”.  

What I would like to say is the reason why I could make my objective to have my blog and the reason why my common sense has been changing is caused by a lot of culture shocks and brand new my life out of my home country.

I would love to write my feeling and thoughts through my experience abroad.

Thank you for reading.

I hope you will enjoy reading my new blog “Neutral Life ~常識サーフィン in 西海岸~”.


実は過去にブログを2回やっていた事があったが、途中で辞めてしまった。という訳で、このブログは3度目の正直。英語では”Third time is a charm”と言うらしい。








今後とも本ブログ “Neutral Life ~常識サーフィン in 西海岸~” をよろしくお願いいたします。

Peter Teppei

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