Thursday, January 26, 2012

Unbelievable Korean High School

This story is about Koreans.   
Unfortunately, Korean culture is sometime hard to accept for some Japanese.   
In my opinion, the reason why it happens is Japan and Korea have similar culture.
Do you know what I mean?

Personally, even if some cultures are hard to believe based on my “common sense”, I decided to accept them.  
I call this mind “Neutral Gear”.

Anyway, I am talking about high school students in Korea.
What do you think how many hours they study in high school?
We had following conversation in class.

Teacher: What did you use to do in your high school?

Brazilian: Used to go to beach! Party!!

Everybody: (Laughing)

Korean: I used to study from 7am to 11pm in school.

Everybody: Whaaaaaaat!!!!!!?????

High school students in Korea are amazing.
I asked other Koreans later, and they used to study pretty much same hours.

I’ve heard that most students in these days study less that before, 8am to 7pm for instance.  The situation is changing.
However, it is still amazing obviously.  A lot of people in the world cannot believe it.

It makes sense that Korean economy has been developed dramatically.

I have a question at this point.  What about China and India, which is huge countries in terms of population and growing economy?  How many hours do they study?  I want to ask!!!!
The world is interesting!!!!

要するにNeutral Gearの状態。


先生: 皆さんはどんな高校生活を送っていましたか?


Every Body:

韓国人: 私は朝7時から夜の11時ゴロまで勉強していました。

Every Body: えーーーーーーーーー!!!!!!?????



Peter Teppei

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